一、 適用對象:復學生
Applicable Individuals: Reinstated Students
二、 辦理方式:
(一) 辦理時間:113年08月01日至09月06日週一至週五平日上午8:00至下午5:00
Processing Period: From August 1st to September 6th, 113th Year, Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Processing Steps: Bring your identification documents to the Registration and Curriculum Division of the Office of Academic Affairs to complete the "Reinstatement Application Form" and follow the procedure to complete the related tasks.
Note: Those who fail to apply for reinstatement after the expiration of their leave of absence or fail to apply for continued leave of absence shall be withdrawn from the university.
三、 如有任何疑問請洽:
For any inquiries, please contact:
For "Academic Records" issues, contact the Registration and Curriculum Division of the Office of Academic Affairs (3113, 3122, 3124, 3137, 3139, 6288).
For "Course" issues, contact the Registration and Curriculum Division of the Office of Academic Affairs (3110, 3111, 3120, 3131, 3116) or the respective department offices.
For "Payment" issues, contact the Cashier Division of the General Affairs Office (3350, 3351).
For other related inquiries, please contact the respective units.