Ching-Yi WANG
Name Ching-Yi WANG
Job title Assistant Professor
Doctor of Fine Arts, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Master of Industrial Design, National Yunlin University of Technology, Taiwan
Product Design.
Eco-friendly Material.
Aesthetic Theory and Comments.
Human Factors Engineering.
Psychometric Measurement and Statistics.
Office Hour Office Hour
Ext. 6430
Year Paper Title
2024 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang)*、古秀玉(Hsiu-Yu Ku)、林長毅(Chang-Yi Lin), RED is “happy” but also “gloomy”: The influence of young people on color preference and emotional changes during the COVID-19 pandemic, Youth, vol.4 no.4 pp.1663-1678, 2024
2024 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang)*、Tung, C. S.、Fan, H. C., The associations of color adjectives and color preferences among children aged 9 to 12., Library Progress International, vol.44 no.3 pp.3721-3731, 2024
2023 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)*、林承翰(Cheng-Han, Lin), Teaching strategies of distance teaching applied in design discipline, INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, vol.67 pp.606-610, 2023
2023 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)*、陳子韜(Zi?Tao, Cheng), Design and assessment of children's pencil holder for Chinese writing, Sustainability, vol.15 no.16 pp.12421-, 2023
2022 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)*、張斐雅(Fei-Ya Chang), The influence of packaging color on flavor expectations and perceptions, COLOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION, vol.47 no.6 pp.1426-1441, 2022
2022 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、徐崇嘉(Chung-Jia Hsu)、蔡登傳(Dengchuan Cai)*, Effects of food nutrition labels on the health awareness of school-age children, BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, vol.22 pp.1-13, 2022
2022 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang), Practice and reflection of participatory design in tableware design for the elderly, WORK-A Journal of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, vol.73 no.2 pp.621-638, 2022
2020 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、蔡登傳(Cai, D. C.), Hand tool handle size and shape determination based on hand measurements using a contour gauge, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries pp.1-16, 2020
2020 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang), Differences in perception, understanding, and responsiveness of product design between experts and students: An early eventrelated potentials study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN EDUCATION, vol.30 no.1 pp.1-23, 2020
2020 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang), The enhancement of appetite through the use of colored light in case of a cake: Preliminary evidence from event-related potentials, COLOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION, vol.46 no.2 pp.456-466, 2020
2019 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、劉芃均(Peng Jyun Liu), The understanding and influence of the connotation of semantics on the figurative product, Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors, vol.967 pp.146-156, 2019
2019 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、劉芃均(Peng Jyun Liu)、Yu-Hsuan Chung、Yu-Ting Chen, Experts and novices on the recognition and cognitive differences of brand color, Advances in Physical Ergonomics and Human Factors, vol.967 pp.173-186, 2019
2019 劉芃均(Peng Jyun Liu)、王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、Yi-Chun Hshieh、Pei-Jung Ku, Discuss the use of lip gloss and design improvement with universal design, Advances in Usability and User Experience, vol.972 pp.559-570, 2019
2019 劉芃均(Peng Jyun Liu)、王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、Yi-Chun Hshieh、Lin-Chu Su, Application of universal design for design improvement of hangers, Advances in Usability and User Experience, vol.972 pp.424-436, 2019
2019 林銘煌、黃宜鄉、王靜儀(Chingyi, Wang), 以符號學觀點探討現成物設計的思考邏輯, 設計學報, 2019
2017 劉芃均(Peng Jyun Liu)、王靜儀(Chingyi, Wang)、莊明振, The construction of the picture database for different ethnic life styles: a case study of lifestyles of health and sustainability (LOHAS), Advances in Human Factors, Software, and Systems Engineering, vol.598 pp.131-142, 2017
2017 王靜儀(Chingyi, Wang)、劉芃均(Peng Jyun Liu), A study on the usability of typing interface on large-screen phones for different thumb sizes, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol.607 pp.603-613, 2017
2017 王靜儀(Chingyi, Wang)、蔡登傳, Hand tool handle design based on hand measurements, MATEC Web of Conferences matec , 2016, vol.119 pp.1-6, 2017
2017 王靜儀(Chingyi, Wang), A study of expertise effects for products with contradictory semantics, MATEC Web of Conferences matec , 2016, vol.119 pp.1-13, 2017
2017 王靜儀(Chingyi, Wang)、鍾雨蓁, 利用事件相關電位偵測語意一致性、曖昧及不一致之差異, 設計學報, vol.22 no.1 pp.25-45, 2017
2015 王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang), Preference measures of rectangle ratio on MBTI personality types, Art and Design Review, 2015
2015 王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang), The relationship between sketch and personality: The Narcissistic Personality Inventory research, Art and Design Review, vol.3 pp.25-34, 2015
2015 王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang), The development, technique and application of ready-made in the product design, Art and Design Review, vol.3 pp.49-67, 2015
2012 林銘煌(Ming-Huang, Lin)、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)*, 以眼動路徑探討多義圖形的辨識歷程, 設計學報, vol.17 no.2 pp.49-72, 2012
2011 林銘煌(Ming-Huang Lin)、方裕民(Yu-Min Fang)*、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang), A preliminary study of applying ERP on users’ reactions to web pages with different presentation formats, The Science of Design, vol.57 no.5 pp.89-98, 2011
2011 林銘煌(Ming-huang Lin)、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)*、鄭仕坤(Shih-kuen Cheng)、鄭仕弘(Shih-hung Cheng), An event-related potential study of semantic style-match judgments of artistic furniture, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, vol.82 pp.188-195, 2011
2010 王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)*、林銘煌(Ming-huang Lin), 剖析Jurgen Bey的設計美學, 工業設計, vol.122 no.38 pp.96-101, 2010
2007 王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)*、蔡登傳(Deng-chuan Cai), 電動起子的人因設計與開發, 工業設計, vol.116 no.35 pp.18-24, 2007
Date of Publication Paper Title
2024.07 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang), The effect of the changing learning environment on students' academic performance and employability during the COVID, 19 pandemic - International Conference on Distance Learning and Online Education Technologies (ICDLOET - 24), Jul. 2024, Beijing, China
2024.04 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang)、古秀玉(Hsiu-Yu Ku), Visual impression and memory effect of public service advertisements , International Conference on Critical Architecture, Culture and Design (ICCACD-2024), Apr. 2024, Nagoya, Japan
2024.04 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang)、Cheng-Han,、Cheng, Zi-T, The influence of learning environments during the COVID, 19 pandemic on students' academic performance and future employability - International Conference on Critical Architecture, Culture and Design (ICCACD-2024), Apr. 2024, Nagoya, Japan
2024.03 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang)、Yu-Kuei Chen, Research on using game teaching aids to train visually impaired preschool children’s oriented actions , The 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (ICMCER 2024), Mar. 2024, Thailand, Bangkok
2024.03 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang)、Shu-Chun Chien、Jo-Tzu Tu、He-Hui Lin, Children's aesthetic education development and cognitive differences , The 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (ICMCER 2024), Mar. 2024, Thailand, Bangkok
2024.03 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang)、Chun-Shan Tung、Hao-Cheng Fan, The associations of color adjectives and color preferences among children aged 9 to 12 , The 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (ICMCER 2024), Mar. 2024, Thailand, Bangkok
2023.04 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、林長毅(Chang-Yi Lin)、古秀玉(Hsiu-Yu Ku), Discuss the impact of COVID, 19 on clothing color - 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data 2023 (IEEE ICEIB 2023), Apr. 2023, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
2023.04 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、卓宜蓉(Yi-Jung Chuo), Establishment and research of tactile images of visually impaired colors , 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data 2023 (IEEE ICEIB 2023), Apr. 2023, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
2023.04 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、陳芊均(Chien-Chun Chen), Safety design and development of public anti, epidemic stationery - 3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data 2023 (IEEE ICEIB 2023), Apr. 2023, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan
2023.03 陳宥魁、王靜儀(Chingyi Wang), 以遊戲教具訓練學齡前視障兒童的定向行動之研究 , 2023跨域創新設計整合國際研討會, Mar. 2023, 雲林,國立雲林科技大學
2022.07 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、林承翰(Lin C. H), A survey on the current situation of the application of distance teaching methods and problem findings in design disciplines , International Conference on Economics, Business, Tourism & Social Sciences, Jul. 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
2022.07 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、程子韜(Cheng, Z. T.), Design and research on children's pen holder for Chinese writing , International Conference on Economics, Business, Tourism & Social Sciences, Jul. 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
2022.05 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、林承翰, 遠距教學應用於設計學科的現況調查 , 後疫情時代教學創新示範國際研討會, May. 2022, 台灣/斗六市/雲林科技大學
2022.03 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、卓宜蓉、黃惠鈴、簡健傑, 應用語意差異法判斷皮革真偽之感性研究 , 第29屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Mar. 2022, 南臺科技大學
2022.03 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang)、蘇弋麟、唐平、王珉芊、黃薈珊, 遊戲經驗對於歷史學習效果之探究 , 第29屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Mar. 2022, 南台科技大學
2014.12 Is your painting a Venus or yourself? NPI personality research. , 2014 International Conference of Culture and Creativity, Dec. 2014, Institute of Creative Industries Design, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan
2014.12 謝新平, 以通用設計探打火機使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 周柏瑋, 以通用設計探討曬衣夾的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 鄭伊宸, 以通用設計改良打火機的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 徐筱筑, 以通用設計探討壓嘴的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 俞曉涵、張韻璇、張舒慈, 宴會備餐托盤的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 梁玲, 以通用設計探討水果刀的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 丘竟鋒, 以通用設計探討鍋的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 許雯慈, 以通用設計探討碗的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 顏米君, 以通用設計探討馬克杯的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 宋佩怡, 以通用設計探討罐子的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 王楨, 以通用設計探討筷子的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 王紫煖, 以通用設計探討洗碗海綿的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 林湘翎, 以通用設計探討指甲剪的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 高怡瑄, 以通用設計探討美工刀的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 林詩英, 以通用設計對剪刀的探討與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 李宜貞, 以通用設計探討打蛋器的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 趙緯良, 以通用設計探討摩托車油門握把的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 葉俊達, 以通用設計探討紅酒開瓶器的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 姚雅馨, 以通用設計探討湯匙的使用問題與設計改良 , 2014明志科技大學術與教學研討會議, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 住院病患的需求調查與便盆椅的設計改良 , 2014中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 無障礙坡道的使用經驗與助跑式輪椅的設計改良 , 2014中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.12 高齡者乘車助起坐墊的使用需求與設計 , 2014中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會, Dec. 2014, 明志科技大學,新北市
2014.08 The relationship between sketch and personality: The Narcissistic Personality Inventory research. , 2014 Educational Psychology and Applied Social Psychology., Aug. 2014, Suzhou, China
2014.06 劉芃均(Yu-Chun Liu)、林盛宏(Sheng-Houng Lin)、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)、莊明振(Ming-Chuen Chuang), The kitchen supply design based on Kansei engineering study for the elderly user of independent , 2014 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER), Jun. 2014, Sweden: Linköping
2012.12 林銘煌(Ming-huang Lin)、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)、鄭仕坤(Shih-kuen Cheng)、鄭仕弘(Shih-hung Cheng), An event, related potential study of semantic style-match judgments of artistic furniture - 2012 International Conference on Paradigm for Design Education, Dec. 2012, Taiwan: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
2011.11 王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)、林銘煌(Ming-huang Lin), 剖析Jurgen Bey的設計美學 , 2011明志科技大學技術與教學研討會與台灣感性工學研討會, Nov. 2011, 明志科技大學,新北市
2010.09 林銘煌(Ming-huang Lin)、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)、鄭仕坤(Shih-kuen Cheng)、鄭仕弘(Shih-hung Cheng), Electrophysiological evidence for semantic within, category task across different styles - 2010 International Conference on European Federation of Neurological Societies, Sep. 2010, Geneva: Palexpo
2010.03 王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)、莊明振(Ming-Chuen Chuang), Preference measures of rectangle ratio on MBTI personality types , 2010 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER), Mar. 2010, Paris: Arts et Métiers ParisTech
2008.05 黃松智(Sung-chih Huang)、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)、李傳房(Chang-franw Lee), 明度對主觀色形成之影響 , 2008中華民國設計學會設計學術研究成果研討會, May. 2008, 桃園縣:長庚大學
2007.05 王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang)、蔡登傳(Deng-chuan Cai), 電動起子把手的喜好調查與人因測試 , 2007中華民國設計學會設計學術成果研討會, May. 2007, 高雄:高雄師範大學
Project Title Participator Period
多層式觸覺地圖設計與建置:以惠明盲校為實施場域(I) (113-2221-E-468-010) 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang) 2024.08 ~ 2025.07
玩轉設計:以議題式遊戲融入SDGs之教學與實踐 (PHA1133971) 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang) 2024.08 ~ 2025.07
青銀共創通用商品設計與實踐 (PHA1122466) 王靜儀(Ching-Yi, Wang) 2023.08 ~ 2024.07
應用遠距教學與兒童線上共創文具設計:以埔里國小為服務場域 (PHA1110018) 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang) 2022.08 ~ 2023.07
視障幼兒的定向行動教具開發與設計:以臺中惠明盲校為服務場域 (111-2221-E-468-003-MY2) 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang) 2022.08 ~ 2024.07
應用體驗學習於視障孩童的產品設計:以臺中惠明盲校為服務場域 (PHA1100717) 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang) 2021.08 ~ 2022.07
不同握筆模式對兒童的中文書寫品質之影響:以握筆器設計為例 (110-2221-E-468-008) 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang) 2021.08 ~ 2022.07
手機外殼設計 (10933017) 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang) 2020.08 ~ 2020.12
參與式設計應用於通用福祉產品設計之實踐與反思 (PHA1080086) 王靜儀(Chingyi Wang) 2019.08 ~ 2020.07
桐林社區代表形象之文創商品設計 (20141224184019) 2014.10 ~ 2015.01
大專校院辦理就業學程計畫-設計行銷學程 (20141224184448) 2014.07 ~ 2015.08
視障按摩便利站收納商品設計 (20141224184215) 2014.06 ~ 2014.10
串影音履歷成果展暨徵才活動 (20140317161935) 徐宏文(Ophir J. Hsu (Hungwen Hsu)、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang) 2014.05 ~ 2014.06
串影音履歷課程建置活動 (20140509013141) 徐宏文(Ophir J. Hsu (Hungwen Hsu)、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang) 2014.04 ~ 2014.06
自行車配件設計 (20140429112751) 劉美均(Meijun Liu)、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang) 2013.11 ~ 2014.04
生活產業具競爭力載具之未來生活型態調查與消費者行為觀察研究計II:生活自主老人廚房備餐用品之感性設計研究 (20140317161034) 林盛宏(Sheng-Houng Lin)、劉芃均(Yu-Chun Liu)、王靜儀(Cging-yi, Wang) 2013.05 ~ 2013.12
Award Name Awarding Unit
2024中亞聯大U21創意設計發明競賽(最佳商業影響力獎) 本校
2024中亞聯大U21創意設計發明競賽(佳作) 本校
2024中亞聯大U21創意設計發明競賽(第二名) 本校
2024泰國發明展7th Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation (金獎2) GREEN IDEA
2024泰國發明展7th Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation (金獎1) GREEN IDEA
2023中亞聯大U21永續智薏創意設計發明競賽(特別獎) 本校
2022中亞聯大U21創意設計發明競賽(特別獎) 本校
2019新一代設計展(優作) 新一代設計展
2019韓國國際發明展(銅牌) 韓國
康寧創星家-創新應用競賽(優作) 請選擇
臺中盃全國創意大獎學生組金獎 臺中市政府經發局
臺中市南屯區吉祥物鯪鯉”咖咖”創作競賽環保組第三名 臺中市南屯區
臺中市南屯區吉祥物鯪鯉”咖咖”創作競賽環保組第二名 臺中市南屯區
台灣新一代設計獎產品設計組佳作 台灣創意設計中心
寶貝幼兒袋(優作) 雲林科技大學
識能科技-GO BOOK(入圍前十名) 研華文教基金會:TIC100創新事業競賽人文組
輕流(優作) 雲林科技大學
食物-液體分離盤(入圍) 雲林科技大學
Lego(優作) iF Next Generation by PB SWISS TOOLS
Together(優作) iF Next Generation by PB SWISS TOOLS
Rider's keychain(優作) iF Next Generation by PB SWISS TOOLS
Nunchahu(第三名) iF Next Generation by PB SWISS TOOLS
Belongings Bin(優作) Hello Goodbye: 2nd Ready-made Design Competition
抗電磁波微波爐門板(入圍) 中華民國工業設計協會
Year Research Title Authors
112 營養標籤在冷凍食品的選擇與健康意識之影響 蔡詩棟
112 消費者的購買因素、品牌認知及品牌共鳴之研究: 以霹靂布袋戲為例 黃珮穎
112 以遊戲教具訓練學齡前視障兒童的定向行動之研究 陳宥魁
111 COVID-19疫情期間的色彩喜好與情感變化之影響 林長毅
111 視障兒童對色彩的多重感知與造型配色 卓宜蓉
110 中文書寫之兒童握筆器設計與研究 程子韜
110 遠距教學應用於設計學科之現況與教學策略 林承翰
109 包裝顏色對口味的期望和味覺感知的影響:以爆米花為例 張斐雅
109 營養標籤對學齡兒童在食品的健康意識之影響 徐崇嘉
106 語意的關連性對比喻式產品的理解與影響:ERP腦波研究 林育而
Publish Date Patent Title Patent Number
2019/11/01 湯匙裝置(原:飯粒終結者) 中華民國新型專利:M585550